Tactical Training: Explosive Strength and Conditioning Circuit

Описание к видео Tactical Training: Explosive Strength and Conditioning Circuit

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As you know, all good workouts start with a good warm-up so take a few minutes to loosen up, and get that blood flowing.

Here we go!

Training Circuit:
Exercise #1: Harness Sled Pull + Heavy Bag Carry 30ft. Down & Back
Grab a sled with a harness and load up 50-100% of your body weight on the sled. Meaning if you weight 200 lb, you should have 100-200 lb on there. With the harness, it’s best if you wear a strong lifting belt and attach the harness to that rather than wrapping over your shoulder. Next grab a heavy bag, or your training partner and sling it over your back like a fireman carry. Then you’re going to drive your legs and drag that sled 30 feet down and 30 feet back with the heavy bag, or your buddy over your shoulders the whole way.

Exercise #2: Lateral Harness Sled Pull + Med Ball Toss
Next we’re going to work our lateral strength and core stability. Grab a medball, stand facing a few feet from a wall with the harness attached and 50% of your bodyweight on the sled. Shuffle down the wall throwing the ball off the wall from side to side so you’re rotating your upper body back and forth each throw. Move 30 feet down the wall and back.

Exercise #3: Harness Sled Pull + x3 Tire Flips
Now since flipping a 1000 lb+ tire isn’t crazy enough, we’re going to perform 3 explosive tire flips while pulling a sled with 50% of your body weight on the sled. Start with tension on the harness straps pulling the sled and drive your shoulders into the tire to raise it up to your knee. Once you get it to your knee, pop it up and switch your grip to shove the tire off you and flip it over. Don’t try to deadlift the tire up or you can tear a bicep. Drive it up on an angle with your shoulders using head to toe explosiveness.

Exercise #4: 3x Box Jumps + Sled Push 30ft. Down & Back
Next you’re going to perform 3 box jumps, jumping all the way over the box each time, then immediately after your third jump, you’re going to explode forward and drive into a prowler sled with 50-100% of your body weight loaded on in. Attack that sled like you’re a defensive end and that sled is the only thing standing between you and sacking the QB on the last down. Drive the sled 30 feet down and back, pumping your legs as quickly and explosively as you can.

Exercise #5: 5x Deadlifts + Bent Over Rows + Single Arm Overhead Carry 30ft. Down & Back
Now it’s time to steel-plate the posterior chain, core and scapular stability for maximum functional performance. Load up a barbell or axle bar with 90% of your 1 Rep Max on Overhead Presses. So if you can press 225 lb for a strict overhead press, you will use 200 lb for this exercise. Be sure to keep your core braced throughout this entire exercise. Perform 5 explosive deadlifts followed immediately by 5 bent over rows keeping your back parallel with the floor. Then clean the weight up and press overhead to lockout position and walk 30 feet down and back with the bar braced in that position until you make it back to where you started.

Exercise #6: 10x Heavy Bag Lift & Over Shoulder Toss
To finish off this circuit, you’re going to place a heavy bag flat on the ground. Explosively lift the end of the heavy bag up in a similar fashion to a tire flip, then once upright, grip low around the bag and flip it over your shoulder rolling it up your body and extending your back. Remember to keep the chest up and core braced. Be explosive and perform 10 flips, alternating sides each rep to finish off the first round of this circuit.

Metabolic Finisher: AMRAP within 5 minutes.
The Metabolic Finisher combines 3 movements into one fluid exercise. Do as many reps as you can within 5 minutes.

This part is what separates the soldiers from the civilians. Keep pushing until you think you’ve reached your limits - then surprise yourself by going past them.

Push Up on Dumbbells + Dumbbell Clean & Press + Box Jump
Grab a pair of dumbbells that are 50% of your 1 Rep Max for overhead presses. Drop down and get in a push-up position while holding the dumbbells with a hammer grip. Do an explosive push up, jump up to your feet, immediately perform a clean & press, drop the dumbbells to the ground, jump onto a box or platform above knee-height, then immediately get back down into pushup position on the dumbbells. Repeat this entire motion as many times as you can in 5 minutes.

Our goal at Blue Star Nutraceuticals is to help you transform your life by giving you the tools you need, and the power to use them.

And until next time... keep training hard!

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