زعفران اصل اور نقل کی پہچان

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Hakeem Shahbaz Hussain Awan Kmali Sohadrvi

Herbalist & Homeopathic Doctor


Most Popular Multi Herbal Books

Fazil u Tibb Wal Jarahat ( F-T-J )

Register National Council For Tibb Government of Pakistan

( QH-21316-A )

Homeopathic Doctor ( D-H-M-S )

Most Expert Qanoon Mufrad Aaza

Most Expert Tib e Nabwi

Most Expert Tib e Unani

Most Expert Cupping

Address Sohdra Tehseel Wazirabad District Gujranwala Punjab pakistan

Hakeem Shahbaz hussain awan is one of the most famous tabib of pakistan and he is the auther of multiple Tibi books.Hakeem sb wants to use the youtube as a medium share his experiences for the betterment of people so that general public can be benefited from his vast experience in the field of TIBB. This channel will be different from others because it is based on all true & honest personal expirences.
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Email: [email protected]


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