
Описание к видео #housetour

Assalammualayku, sesuai janji aku, vidio House Tour 2021. Semoga bisa menginspirasi yaaa

Pemesanan Rak Dapur (hanya untuk pulau Jawa ) silahkan whatsapp ke nomor : 081295830767

Info produk di rumah aku :
Rak tanaman rotan : https://shp.ee/dxgzdy8
Disinfection box : https://shp.ee/x7g8ecd
Karpet di living room : https://shp.ee/phq8he5
Gorden abu abu : https://shp.ee/8wrghp5
Brex Wireless vacuum cleaner : https://shp.ee/s24skyr
Kaligrafi Kufi dari kayu timbul : https://shp.ee/it255bp
Rak gelas : https://shp.ee/9ba749r
Kipas angin portable : https://shp.ee/kxx3ba9
Minito Mini Vacuum Cleaner : https://shp.ee/f5mz8si
Lampu kipas ala Korea : https://shp.ee/q5whcxm
Selimut warna kuning : https://shp.ee/8dqc9t9
Selimut warna cream : https://shp.ee/w8fg469
Rak rotan 4 susun : https://shp.ee/2j35g69
atau https://shp.ee/7qj8mfr
Meja rotan samping tempat tidur : https://shp.ee/fniyt7w
Robot vacuum : https://shp.ee/rj7wck7
Sarung bantal kursi kotak kotak : https://shp.ee/9nfpm9z
Kotak tempat kaus kaki : https://shp.ee/tadxpse
Tempat Make up : https://shp.ee/vpvmmdt
Arch Standing Mirror : https://shp.ee/6iuqcpd
Keranjang rotan tempat mukenah : https://shp.ee/c7ryjgd
Gantungan baju rotan : https://shp.ee/x6wtm2v
Storage untuk botol botol : https://shp.ee/rv9nq6h
Storage transparan untuk botol botol : https://shp.ee/eii4esz
Storage tempat non food : https://shp.ee/39kpdsz
Rak susun dua dengan laci geser : https://shp.ee/w5x6zfh
Rak yang panjangnya bisa di adjust : https://shp.ee/kznxarh
Penjepit plastik/ klip kantong makanan : https://shp.ee/tt39haz
Rak gelas : https://shp.ee/9ba749r
Rak piring : https://shp.ee/ptpvk5z
Rak mangkuk : https://shp.ee/kj72ecn
Rak telur sisipan : https://shp.ee/irrb2sh
Label marker : https://shp.ee/q43i8fz
Tempat sendok : https://shp.ee/nhcd2e9
Mesin cuci portable : https://shp.ee/js4wmgr
Super dryer : https://shp.ee/2azgugz
Alat perebus telur : https://shp.ee/4hvgqb9
Rak telur warna hitam : https://shp.ee/ikb43sz
Rice cooker LOW CARBO : https://shp.ee/2thbied
Mesin kopi : https://shp.ee/7rzw5mv
Tempat roti : https://shp.ee/kkn8nrd
Nampan rotan : https://shp.ee/dh7as25
Toples snack : https://shp.ee/ni9yiqn
Botol tempat detergent : https://shp.ee/c587bah
Botol pump cairan pembersih : https://shp.ee/w6a7hqj
Botol spray cairan pembersih : https://shp.ee/mve7ktj
Botol tempat bumbu : https://shp.ee/7sdxc9t
Tempat bumbu dengan sendok : https://shp.ee/49ihrdb
Keranjang telur di rak : https://shp.ee/sbi87k2
Dispenser beras: https://shp.ee/sij3pkx
Rak tempat tutup panci : https://shp.ee/46xurtn
Tudung saji susun : https://shp.ee/zkdu6a3
Mesin cuci portable : https://shp.ee/2sac7kj
Super dryer : https://shp.ee/re9uywt
Gantungan sapu : https://shp.ee/qa42uck
Sapu : https://shp.ee/8p9aybh
Alat pel dengan ember : https://shp.ee/s772atz
Meja belajar lipat di kamar kakak : https://shp.ee/vqev9e3
Vinyl stiker : https://shp.ee/dapcytr
Bantal bulat kancing : https://shp.ee/dgteu6j
Karpet enceng gondok bulat : https://shp.ee/ucfhkzb

Tempat aku langganan backsound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra...

📹 Direkam dengan menggunakan HP Oppo RENO 5
Edit dengan inshot
Vidio cara aku merekam dan mengedit vidio youtube :
   • How To Make an Aeshtetic Video Like H...  
   • #dailyvlog             How I Shoot My...  
   • How To Make an Aeshtetic Video Like H...  

00:00 Intro
00:29 Teras dan Ruang Tamu
02:20 Living room
04:42 Kamar utama
08:47 Dapur bersih dan dapur kotor
17:06 Taman Belakang
18:56 Living Room Lantai 2 dan Mushola
20:36 Kamar anak

🎵 BGM :
Music provided by 브금대통령
Track : 긴 하루
Link :    • [Royalty Free Music] 긴 하루/A Long Day ...  

Music provided by 브금대통령
Track : 그때의 우리 : 두번째 이야기
Link :    • [브금대통령](감성/아련/Love) 그때의 우리 : 두번째 이야기/...  

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ariana_arri...
Business Inquiries : [email protected]


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