KOSing as PERRY THE PLATYPUS - Creatures of sonaria New UPDATE Baruw

Описание к видео KOSing as PERRY THE PLATYPUS - Creatures of sonaria New UPDATE Baruw

Bäruws are solitary creatures that are masters of camouflage. They wait patiently in lush forests for the perfect time to strike, one bite from its powerful jaws is enough to tear off limbs or completely crush its prey. They are even adept swimmers, using their flat tails to propel themselves through the way, making them truly a nearly inescapable threat

my Youtube    / @evolvedbread.  .
my Discord   / discord  
Creatures of sonaria: https://www.roblox.com/games/52337823...

Night's channel :    / @louverlake  

Music used in the video,check out the original thanks! :    • Видео  


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