SixTONES - Strawberry Breakfast

Описание к видео SixTONES - Strawberry Breakfast


「Strawberry Breakfast」のMusic Videoが完成!
失敗の許されない“完全ワンカット”で撮影された今作Music Videoでは、映画の中へ誘うようなキザなSixTONESが、観ているあなたを“主演女優賞”へエスコートします♪

SixTONES「Strawberry Breakfast」
4th シングル
2021.2.17 Release


“‘Mature’ SixTONES shot in one take”

A disco-style track included in the 4th single, “Boku ga Boku ja Naimitaida”, released on February 17, 2021.
Here is the music video for “Strawberry Breakfast”!
No mistake accepted! In this ‘one-take’ music video, the SixTONES members, acting like a movie star, will escort you to the Best Actress Award!

SixTONES “Strawberry Breakfast”
4th Single
Included in the single “Boku ga Boku ja Naimitaida”
Released on Feb 17, 2021


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