7 DAY PRAYER JOURNALING CHALLENGE — Day 5: whats in your heart?

Описание к видео 7 DAY PRAYER JOURNALING CHALLENGE — Day 5: whats in your heart?

Welcome to the 7 day prayer journaling challenge! This challenge is meant to do exactly that -- challenge you. Challenge you to go deeper in the place of prayer, go deeper in your intimacy with the Father, go deeper as the Lord begins to reveal the hidden things in your heart. Going deep isn’t always the easiest thing. But it is so necessary. Something I often say is “go deep or don’t go at all” -- because remaining surface level isn’t going to get you very far. Get excited Daughter of God! Prepare to go deep in the secret place and be in high expectation of meeting the Lord there. That is where transformation begins.

Download the Daughter2Daughter app ( Search: Daughter2Daughter in the app store). Be sure to turn on your push notifications for daily notifications from the Father's heart.

Join the sisterhood -- We bring together women who desire a Christ-centered sisterhood to experience deep healing from past trauma in the presence of God so that we can gain a deeper understanding of our identities in Christ. It's time to come back to your position in Christ, your role in Christ. You are a daughter first. Before you are a wife, mom, sister, entrepreneur, YOU ARE A DAUGHTER. Let's learn to undress trauma before God + begin to see and receive Him as our Heavenly Father and see ourselves as His beloved daughter. The trauma you've experienced is keeping you out of relationship with God and it's time to address it.

Join the sisterhood: https://daughter2daughter.mn.co/


Dial in : 605-313-4205 Access code: 5592341


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