
Описание к видео 【韦小宝与七个老婆】韦小宝双儿大雨中互诉真情,双儿说出不得不拒婚的真相。


   / @topclassic313  
#金庸经典 #鹿鼎记 #大尺度古装剧 #Chinesedrama
2014 Royal Tramp 金庸 韩栋 娄艺潇 吴倩 张馨予 | 大尺度古装剧

 话说在清朝康熙年间,在喧嚣市井的闹市区,生活着油嘴滑舌、机灵刁钻的妓女之子韦小宝(韩栋 饰)。他偶然以小太监的身份入宫,在神秘公公海大富手下饱受摧残,之后结识了以“小玄子”之名和他比武的当今皇帝康熙(魏千翔 饰)。两人结为好兄弟,更联手擒获了只手遮天的权臣鳌拜。在此期间,天地会总舵主陈近南打出反清复明旗号,剑指清廷。南方神龙教蠢蠢欲动,在宫中埋下间隙。海峡另一边的郑氏家族偏居一隅,相机而动。更有吴三桂、尚可喜等前明势力组成的三藩割据一方,拥兵自重。外忧内患之际,韦小宝身形灵活地周旋其中,以不同身份左右着清王朝的命运,七位老婆相继出现则将他的人生推向顶点……

►Synopsis :
He wasborn to a prostitute from a brothel and through series of adventures, he went to the Forbidden City impersonating as a eunuch. In the palace, he had a fateful encounter with the young Kangxi Emperor and they develop an unlikely friendship. Out of the palace, he meets Chen Jinnan, the leader of the anti-government secret organization, Heaven and Earth Society and becomes Chen's disciple.
Throughout the drama, Wei Xiaobao makes several seemingly impossible achievements. First, he discovers the whereabouts of the Shunzhi Emperor, who was presumed dead, saves him from danger, and then helps him reunite with his son, the Kangxi Emperor. Second, he weakens the rebellion staged by Wu Sangui by bribing Wu's allies to withdraw, allowing the Qing army to crush the rebels easily. Third, he eliminates the Mystic Dragon Cult by stirring up internal conflict. Last, he leads a campaign against the Russian Empire and helps the Qing Empire reach a border treaty with Russia. For his numerous accomplishments, Wei Xiaobao is rewarded with immense wealth and titles of nobility. His highest rank was "Duke of Deer and Cauldron".


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