Wizard's Tower by Tony Hetherington for the ZX Spectrum

Описание к видео Wizard's Tower by Tony Hetherington for the ZX Spectrum

Find me on Twitter, @JAMOGRAD!

WhatHoSnorkers logo and music thanks to ZombiWorkshop!

0:00 Start
0:20 Introduction
3:13 Original Version
3:33 Live Action!
5:04 Original Version Part 2
5:08 Designing a monster
6:37 Original Version Part 3
9:49 Monster vs Barbarian
10:08 Original Version Part 4
12:32 Trophy Room
12:35 Bug fixing
14:45 Return of the wizard
15:11 Fixing the map
17:29 Snorkerfied version
26:54 The end... or is it?

bat sounds by pillonoise -- https://freesound.org/s/320721/ -- License: Creative Commons 0

Crow sounds by Ohrwurn 112856__ohrwurm__crows.wav https://freesound.org/people/Ohrwurm/... Creative Commons 0

Slide Whistle from sheepfilms (Creative Commons 0)


Teleport sound comes from "Feud" on the ZX Spectrum


Liquid Drink .mp3 by SilverIllusionist -- https://freesound.org/s/411172/ -- License: Attribution 4.0

Font is Font 31 from Roberto Colombo's "Char Bank":


which can be also be found on Jim Blimey's website:


The Lightning Effect was by S Robert Speel in "Better Programming for your Spectrum and ZX81"



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