Vision On - The Gallery Tune - BBC1 1960/70s

Описание к видео Vision On - The Gallery Tune - BBC1 1960/70s

The Gallery tune from Vision On - the popular BBC children's television programme that ran from 1964 to 1976 specially designed to cater for viewers with hearing-impairment. Whilst it included the spoken word (which was supplemented by sign language), it primarily focused upon all things visual including crafts, drawing, mime and slapstick comedy.
A regular feature of the programme was The Gallery which showed paintings that were drawn and sent in by viewers. I imagine that they tried to include all of the paintings submitted. The presenter, usually Pat Keysell, always apologised that the paintings couldn't be returned, so presumably some poor soul at Television Centre had to file them in the rubbish bin each week!
The music accompanying the gallery - entitled 'Left Bank Two' by The Noveltones - became even more famous than the main Vision On theme tune.
Vision On was widely watched by hearing kids too and is fondly remembered. At the time it always seemed a little bit left field and the name Vision On was also a bit enigmatic. It is of course derived from television 'production-speak'.
Regular presenters were Pat Keysell and Tony Hart who were later joined by Sylveste McCoy, Wilf Lunn, ben Bennison and David Cleveland. Everyone has their favourite period of long-running children's shows, but I imagine that most people would regard the earlier years of Vision On as the show's heyday.
Sylveste McCoy (real name Percy James Patrick Kent-Smith) later changed his stage name to Sylvester McCoy because he was superstitious about having a 13 letter stage name.


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