Living Seas - marine conservation in the UK with The Wildlife Trusts

Описание к видео Living Seas - marine conservation in the UK with The Wildlife Trusts

Living Seas is The Wildlife Trusts' vision for the future of the UK's seas.

What picture does the phrase conjure up in your mind? A rocky reef bursting with brightly coloured fish, corals and sponges? A boat trip in the company of leaping dolphins and playful seals? Fishermen hauling nets that are brimful of big, tasty fish? Living Seas are all these things and more.

But the UK's seas are not Living Seas. Decades of neglect have left them damaged and degraded, a shadow of their former diversity and abundance. We urgently need your help to bring them back to life. The next five years are critical. It is literally 'make or break' time. With new laws and Government commitments in the offing, we have a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity. If we make the very best of that opportunity, pushing every step of the way, our seas will turn the corner and start to recover their health. If we do not, they will continue on their downward spiral.

This film shows some of the diversity of life in our seas, and sets out to you, our vision for the future.

For further information go to: to find out how you can do your bit for Living Seas!


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