FF9 Jump Rope 1000 times achievement/trophy *No Music*

Описание к видео FF9 Jump Rope 1000 times achievement/trophy *No Music*

I got tired of there being no versions of people doing this with the music turned off so I made my own.

There's a dozen "how to" videos of this on youtube, but I couldn't find a single one that was just the simple "tap tap tap" of Vivi's feet hitting the ground, which is really what you should be focused on.

My technique: Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Listen to the sound of Vivi's feet hitting the ground. That's when you press X / A / whatever. And if you can, TURN OFF THAT GOSH DARN MUSIC! (I mean, it's nice music and all, but it'll just distract you...)

Advanced Technique: If playing with a controller, use two hands. There are two input buttons (on Xbox anyway), so assign one button to each thumb. Use one thumb for odd numbers and one for even numbers. This will help you keep track in your mind of where you are, because the change in tempo will always come on an odd number. Picture a metronome in your mind swinging back and forth.

When you get to the 200-300 range, the tempo switches. Instead, picture a heart beating in your mind, thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump.

From 300 on it's just a matter of endurance.

For practice, watch a video of someone else doing it. Press buttons along with their video until you think you've got down the temp changes. Remember, they always come on odd numbers (21, 51, 101, 201, 301), so be ready.

Final notes: Yes, I messed up on 10, and then went on to got the trophy on the next go. XD. If you're wondering why I went all the way to 1150, it's because I had my eyes closed and I was waiting for the "chime" sound to signal I'd made it to 1000. I opened my eyes and found I was in the 1150s and I promptly ended it, lol. Turns out you dont get the chime sound until after you quit after 1000.


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