Parade ogoh ogoh Peliatan 2015

Описание к видео Parade ogoh ogoh Peliatan 2015

PRIOR NOTICE: I am an amateur videographer and a simple tourist. My channel has no commercial purpose. I travel very often to Indonesia and in particular to the island of Bali.
As I am passionate about both video and Balinese culture (Hindu ceremonies, traditional dances and music), I often film the events and shows that I attend. It is my way of keeping memories of my stays and of making known the rich culture of this island.

The day before Nyepi (Bali hindu new year) very noisy ogoh ogoh processions frighten the bad spirits and scare them away.

A la veille de Nyepi (nouvel-an hindouiste balinais) de bruyantes processions d'ogoh-ogoh doivent effrayer les démons et les faire fuir.


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