The Divine Physician: Jesus' Miracles and Teachings (Luke

Описание к видео The Divine Physician: Jesus' Miracles and Teachings (Luke

The Gospel of Luke explores the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, focusing on his role as a priest, prophet, and king. Jesus's miracles and parables reveal his divine authority and his message of salvation for all.

This video includes:

The Call of Levi: The video highlights Jesus' call of Levi, a tax collector, to become his disciple.
Jesus' Comparison to a Physician: Jesus compares himself to a physician who heals sinners, emphasizing his mission to call them to repentance.
The Question of Fasting and Prayer: Jesus responds to his disciples' question about fasting and prayer, explaining that his coming is a time for feasting and celebration.
The Sabbath Controversies: The video discusses the controversies surrounding Jesus' disciples' actions on the Sabbath and Jesus' defense of them.
The Sermon on the Plain: Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Plain, teaching about love, mercy, and the importance of not judging others.
Miracles and Healings: Jesus performs numerous miracles, including healing the Centurion's servant and raising the Widow's son.
Parables and Teachings: Jesus uses parables to teach about the kingdom of God, faith, and understanding.
The Power of Jesus' Touch: A woman with a 12-year hemorrhage is healed by simply touching Jesus' cloak, demonstrating his divine power.
The Resurrection of Jairus' Daughter: Jesus raises Jairus' daughter from the dead, further emphasizing his authority over life and death.


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