Bills Committee on Advance Decision on Life-sustaining Treatment Bill (2024/07/02)

Описание к видео Bills Committee on Advance Decision on Life-sustaining Treatment Bill (2024/07/02)

Bills Committee on Advance Decision on Life-sustaining Treatment Bill
Meeting on Tuesday, 2 July 2024,
from 10:45 am to 12:45 pm
in Conference Room 3 of the Legislative Council Complex


I. Meeting with the Administration
(10:45 am - 12:40 pm)

Follow-up to issues arising from previous meeting
LC Paper No. CB(4)903/2024(01) - List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 17 June 2024
LC Paper No. CB(4)903/2024(02) - Administration’s response to the issues raised at the meeting on 17 June 2024

Relevant papers
File Ref: HHB CR 2/581/23 - Legislative Council Brief
LC Paper No. CB(3)875/2023 (Gazetted on 24 November 2023) - The Bill
LC Paper No. LS81/2023 - Legal Service Division Report
LC Paper No. CB(4)1129/2023(01) (Restricted to members only) - Marked-up copy of the Bill prepared by the Legal Service Division
LC Paper No. CB(4)1129/2023(02) - Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
LC Paper No. CB(4)6/2024(02) - Proposed work plan provided by the Administration
LC Paper No. CB(4)6/2024(01) - Letter dated 9 January 2024 from Assistant Legal Adviser to the Administration
LC Paper No. CB(4)627/2024(02) - Administration's reply letter to Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 9 January 2024
LC Paper No. CB(4)703/2024(01) - Letter dated 27 May 2024 from Assistant Legal Adviser to the Administration
LC Paper No. CB(4)856/2024(01) - Administration's reply letter to Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 27 May 2024

(Other relevant papers previously issued are available on the website of the Legislative Council.)

II. Any other business
(12:40 pm - 12:45 pm)


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