Virginia Police Caught PLANTING Drugs - CORRUPTION-Case Dismissed

Описание к видео Virginia Police Caught PLANTING Drugs - CORRUPTION-Case Dismissed

[UPDATE 5.3.16: Youtube has removed my sarcastic/FUNNY video annotations, but YES, the case was dropped once this video was shown to the Orange County. Asst. D.A. There were NEVER any drugs to begin with & if they're were I'm sure the K9's nose would've been ALOT better than these 2 dirty cop's noses. Also, I was instructed by my Atty. that with the Judges & Cops in that town; a Civil suit would've been a waste of time. I support cops as we need them/but loathe biased thugs hiding behind badges.]

POLICE ARE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT & SERVE – NOT - PLANT EVIDENCE & POLICE PROFILE. This is personal to me/I’ll tell you why. In June, 04 I was illegally stopped while birddogging RE properties with a white female Co-worker (Driver & Car Owner) in a VERY rural part of VA [Orange County]. We were followed by an unmarked car so we voluntarily pulled over to allow him to pass. We were detained, searched for weapons & drugs and when that turned up nothing & instead of being allowed to drive away – 4 cruisers pulled up with a the K-9 dog and they proceeded to walk the dog inside & out. RESULT- That turned up nothing.
So 2 cops ripped the car apart, looking for God knows what on the side of a country road for 1.5hrs and 5 other cops on standby in tactical gear. Picture 1 cop working the driver’s side & the other on the passenger side. After ripping through the car, the passenger side cop (Jr. officer) walks away and leaves his superior to finish. After finding NOTHING; the superior officer walks back to his squad car, the Jr. officer steps over to him, mumbles under his breath & the Superior officer bolts to the passenger side floorboard (my seat) and miraculously finds a morsel of marijuana. Something the dog & the other cop didn’t detect. He puts it in a tester, claims it to be Marijuana and that b/c it was found on MY side of the car—says ‘he’s giving me a citation for possession’. Why not arrest me –BECAUSE apparently the quantity was so small.
WEIRD – So ask yourself, how is it a passenger with No marijuana (furthermore – 2 Non users), get pulled over for tinted windows (ONLY after I questioned the stop, the officer replied, give me your I.D. –UNFORTUNATELY for them I had NO warrants etc.), has a K-9 dog & 2 cops search the car with NO results UNTIL 1 officer does something blatantly illegal
WEIRDER – So ask yourself, how is it the officer on the driver’s side of the car, magically finds marijuana a dog couldn’t discover?
WEIRDEST – After paying $1500 to a lawyer, the VA Prosecutor dropped the charges knowing there was a video. BUT NOW, I’M SADDLED WITH EXPUNGING THIS RIDICULOUS CHARGE FROM MY RECORD—ANOTHER FEE, and get this – Since Virginia is a Commonwealth, they reserve the right to DENY my request!

Ps: And take a guess why the driver & car owner wasn't also charged.....Hmm...Think really hard! So I guess June 25th was my day to get a drug arrest record, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Pss: The Jr. cop (whom I believe planted the so-called Marijuana) even asked to see the vid –I suppose he wanted to see IF he was caught on tape & YES, it’s all on video. HAHA, these guys really think they’re cowboys.

PIECE de RESISITANCE – I RECORDED IT ON HD Iphone VIDEO – So after some serious thought, I decided to post the video of (2) Virginia cops planting evidence and make them celebrities.


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