Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm - Mastery Achievements 06 (Home Wrecker)

Описание к видео Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm - Mastery Achievements 06 (Home Wrecker)

Home Wrecker: Destroy the Planetary Fortress in the "Old Soldiers" mission before the nuclear strike on Hard difficulty.

This achievement is a little technical in its execution. You can't simply 1a your ling/bane across the map onto the PF as you'll suffer too many losses. The reliable way I found to do this is:

(1) Have Kerrigan break down the door herself so that you don't lose any ling/bane to the tanks.
(2) After the second reinforcement wave, clear out the front. This should be timed so that the third reinforcement wave comes in as your finish up.
(3) Clear the hallway pack.
(4) Go past the gold base and right-click onto the PF.

You should have enough army at the end to easily crush the PF before time runs out.


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