CCTV Video surveillance ground loops brief explanation | SC0076

Описание к видео CCTV Video surveillance ground loops brief explanation | SC0076

Call 214–931–2626 for the EXPERTS in access control, audio/video, automatic gate, video surveillance and low-voltage project management.


We saw this television that appeared to have a difference in potential from where the signal was being generated. We wanted to mention a couple of points but this is in no means a technical explanation or a definitive guide to diagnosing and/or resolving video surveillance interference.

Interference comes in many different forms. The "ground loop" is a common type of interference. In the video surveillance world it is typically went to devices are connected together and their ground potential differs causing a voltage to be induced on the signal.

There are a couple ways to determine that the easiest being lifting the ground on one of the devices. If the bars go away it's good likelihood it's a ground issue. If they don't go away it's still possible a ground issue just on another device in the circuit. Keep in mind most DVR's will share a common point across all the inputs.

The most common way to resolve the issue if it cannot be fixed by isolating one of the devices is through a ground isolating transformer.

Call us if you have any video surveillance issues we would be more than happy to work with you.


Please call the commercial and residential EXPERTS in the Dallas-Fort Worth area before you make any decisions about your access control. Call/text 214–931–2626 or email [email protected].

Thank you for watching

Brooks "The Access Control Expert"


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