VFR Reference to Runway 02 Toncontin Honduras

Описание к видео VFR Reference to Runway 02 Toncontin Honduras

Welcome to my city, Tegucigalpa, Honduras—home to one of the most famous and challenging airports in the world, Toncontín (Mike Hotel Tango Golf).

I am working on an exciting add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 to enhance the scenery of my beloved city, showcasing its landmarks and stunning views in breathtaking detail.

If you'd like to support this project, you can buy me a coffee on Patreon. Your support will help bring this vision to life, and as a thank-you, all subscribers will receive early access to the add-on starting today.

I am currently focused on adding key landmarks to assist with visual approaches to Toncontín Airport's Runway 02. For example, if approaching from the north, PriceSmart is one of the buildings referenced in the VFR instructions.

My goal is to create a highly realistic experience while maintaining optimal performance in the scenery.

This is my first major project, and I hope you’ll find it both useful and enjoyable.


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