Metal shaping a Ferrari quarter panel on the English Wheel here at Casados Design

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Here you have the RH side Quarter panel I built for the Ferrari Lusso. It’s made of Aluminium and completed using factory correct metal finishing.
Projects like this are like comfort food for me.. I built so many low production European cars (many of them superleggera) for so long that it’s kind of like falling back on my training and reminds me of when I was a little younger. Few more days at it and I’ll have a Ferrari back half! Stay tuned! #carrozzeriacasados #casadosdesign #ferrari #ferrarilusso #metalshaping #metalshaper #coachwork #scaglietti #coachbuilder #englishwheel #englishwheelingmachine #classicferrari #metalshaping101 #aluminiumshaping #aluminium #coachwork #coachbuilders #coachbuilder #panelbeater #classicallytrained #metalshaping #metalshaper #notselftaught #scagliettiferrari #coachbuilding #panelbeater #aluminumwelding #tigwelding #metalshaper #metalfinish


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