30 East Coast Hiking Challenges that'll earn you patches

Описание к видео 30 East Coast Hiking Challenges that'll earn you patches

Here's a list of 30 hiking challenges along the east coast that'll earn you a hiking patch once completed.

Carolina Mountain Club South Beyond 6000 (SB6K) -    • Carolina Mountain Club South Beyond 6...  
CMC Waterfall Challenge (WC100) -    • Carolina Mountain Club Waterfall Chal...  

Coupon Codes:
COURTNEY10 for 10% off at Tanri Outdoors https://tanri.com/courtney
ADVENTURELUBE for 10% off at Squirrel's Nut Butter (1 time per customer, good through 12/31/21) https://squirrelsnutbutter.com/

Instagram:   / courtneymatulewicz  
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CourtneyMat...
Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/cmst...

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