Q and A: what are the best plants with my turtle?

Описание к видео Q and A: what are the best plants with my turtle?

In this video I discuss some commonly available plants you can house with your aquatic turtles
Follow me on Instagram: @gregsturtlehaven

My favorite turtle tubs and products:
https://amzn.to/2TpUpGC ZooMed turtle tub
https://amzn.to/2QVMak9 Tuff Stuff 40gal tub
https://amzn.to/30kG8fE Rubbermaid 50 gal stock tank
https://amzn.to/2RgllG7 Rubbermaid 150 gal stock tank
https://amzn.to/36UOk8X Zoo Med aquatic turtle diet
https://amzn.to/383uzwf Mazuri aquatic turtle diet
https://amzn.to/3a8s6SZ Mazuri Tortoise diet


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