Wessex Archaeology Virtual Reality (VR): Anglo-Saxon Hall

Описание к видео Wessex Archaeology Virtual Reality (VR): Anglo-Saxon Hall

Our Studio 3D environment artists have created an immersive virtual reality (VR) reconstruction showing Saxon homelife.

This one room VR experience was created as a bespoke product for Wessex Archaeology's educational and community engagement work.

It has two bespoke residents created by our in-house character artist, with mother busy making dinner. In the Late Saxon period in the UK, the buildings were very cosy or hygge. This room is made of timber with a thatch roof, it has worn oak floorboards and wooden furniture. The space is warmly lit by a cosy fire with a cooking pot that swings above it. There are animal skins on the floor and objects to pick up and handle, from tableware to swords and shields!

You can read more about this VR here - https://www.wessexarch.co.uk/our-work...

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