
Описание к видео 儿童哲学能提高想象力?

小时候我们常常问“为什么”,但长大后面对孩子的“为什么”,我们却无言以对,或者简单的“因为所以,科学道理”而带过。我们渐渐成熟,渐渐适应这个社会,但是否也丢失了那些儿时的天真和美好想象? 评论区告诉我们,你在儿时,有过什么样的问题吧!
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When we are young, we often ask "why"; but after we grew older, we have no answer to our children's questions of "why". Though we have become mature and gradually adapted to this society, have we lost a sense of innocence and imagination from our childhood? In the comment section, tell us what kind of “why” questions you had as a child.
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