DIY Temporary Electrical Service Installation

Описание к видео DIY Temporary Electrical Service Installation

DIY Temporary Electrical Service Installation

I will be installing the wire and the temp power pole to provide
power to the construction site during the build of a single-family house. We are going to be pulling wire threw a conduit that was installed threw and easement. I will also be installing the caution tape in the trench before I back fill. We will get the temp power pole installed in its location and make sure that it is ready for L@I inspection.
Underground power started more than 50 years ago to replace overhead distribution systems. Underground service installations by the power industry is complex. However, it can be done and has a lot of great benefits. Lack of interest on the part of the power company should not deter you from taking advantage of the benefits of buried distribution systems.
When the estimated cost of buried services exceeds the estimated cost of aerial services by more than ten per cent, you should negotiate with the power district or developer on the following basis:
No charge where the developer, builder or, or you dig and back fills trenches for the distribution cable and all service wires.
where you digs and back fill all trenches, the developer or builder will pay that cost which exceeds the estimated cost of aerial plant by more than ten percent.
I recommend that underground power systems be used exclusively. There are certain instances where it is not feasible however theses are very rare.


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