【會財語你】EP1 審計風險評估有幾重要?

Описание к видео 【會財語你】EP1 審計風險評估有幾重要?




0:00 片頭簡介
0:53 如何制定審計計劃
1:17 審計時應考慮的外部風險因素
1:48 個案分析 - 收入截止風險評估
2:37 以上個案出現甚麼問題?
4:09 如何識別重大錯報風險?
6:16 總結

AFRC has launched a new video series, "AFRC Connect", to uphold audit quality and develop the accounting profession. In our debut episode, "How Important is Audit Risk Assessment?", we will use real cases to demonstrate how audit planning and risk assessment affect audit quality at different stages and provide practical insights and technical reminders in an easy-to-understand manner.

For more detailed information, download our "Audit Focus: Year-end Audit 2024" at https://bit.ly/3WsO3G3

#會財語你 #會財局 #審計 #會計 #審計質素 #審計規劃 #AFRCConnect #AuditQuality #Accounting #RiskAssessment #TalentDevelopment #SustainableDevelopment #AccountingProfessions


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