One Life to Live 3/20/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 3/20/1991

As Gabrielle prepares to testify at Viki’s hearing, Carlo tries to convince her she has nothing to worry about. Tony drops by to discuss her testimony, forcing Carlo to hide in the kitchen. Tony asks to accompany her to the courthouse, but she kicks him out, saying she has a lot to do before she goes and can’t have the distraction. Tina visits Viki in jail with a change of clothes. Viki finally lets it sink in that the charge against her, first-degree murder, means she could go to jail for the rest of her life. Clint comes to reassure her that she will make it through this and so will her family. Dorian riles up a crowd outside the courthouse holding Impeach Mayor Buchanan signs. Dorian accosts Megan and asks her what it’s like having a murderess as a mother. Megan speaks to the assembled protestors about her mother and how she is a great mother and a great mayor. When Viki gets to the courtroom, Kevin tells he’s proud of her and understands why they all need to stick together as a family. Renee tries to calm Asa when he sees Carlo enter the room. Gabrielle tells Viki she hopes she hasn’t contributed at all to this predicament, but Viki responds by calling her a compulsive, self-serving liar. Gabrielle feigns shock, claiming to have no idea what she’s done to offend. Viki reminds her she drugged her drink and also took her to meet Carlo when everyone thought she was Niki. Andy offers to drive Hunter to the airport–by way of the courthouse to say goodbye to Megan and Jake. Hunter accidentally leaves his luggage behind at Andy’s Place. Dorian tells Jon he’s on the wrong side of this case. She tries to flirt with him, but he says maybe if she lays off of his client, he won’t have to work so hard. Tony eyes the vial Gabrielle used to drug Viki, which he still has in his possession. Outside the courtroom, Hunter says goodbye to Megan and Jake and swears he’s leaving for real this time.

As the hearing starts, Tina apparently testifies, though we do not see that testimony. Herb questions Gabrielle about the tape and she admits to listening to it. She says she heard what could only be Niki Smith’s voice on the tape, that Niki was holding a gun on Johnny and that she shot him. After Gabrielle steps down, Viki asks to address the court. Hunter and Andy go back to find his bag, but before they can head back out to the airport, Hunter trips over a broom possibly breaking his ankle. Despite herself, Andy is amused by Hunter’s seeming inability to leave Llanview. Gabrielle is shaken after her testimony, but Carlo tries to calm her and advises her to stay the course. Although Jon advises her against it, Viki takes the stand and swears she knows what she is doing. She says she killed Johnny Dee–though she has no memory of it. She believes that her finger pulled the trigger, though it was Niki Smith who was in charge of her body at the time. Viki says in the eyes of the law she may be guilty, though in the spirit of the law she is innocent. She further explains that she was in her wheelchair when she saw Johnny enter uninvited and go upstairs She says she heard him threaten Tina and she was unable to get up the stairs to help her sister, but Niki Smith was able to. She asks for understanding, saying she is not entirely innocent nor entirely guilty. After Viki’s bombshell testimony, Tony finds Gabrielle outside and counsels her to tell the whole truth and set Viki–as well as her own conscience–free. Carlo doesn’t like the look of Tony and Gabrielle’s conversation. He thinks Tony knows something he isn’t saying, and he asks an associate to find out what. The judge reviews psychiatric reports as well as legal precedents. She says it’s undeniable that Niki Smith shot Johnny and that Viki perceived in Mr. Dee a clear and present danger. The judge says no matter who pulled the trigger, the shooting was brought on by Johnny’s criminal trespassing and his criminal intent towards Tina Roberts. He was shot with his own gun, unpremeditated, she says, and therefore she sees no basis to pursue the case, and she dismisses the case. The Buchanans celebrate the result. As they leave the courtroom, all smiles and hugs, Carlo remains in his seat, bereft and stunned by the result.


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