Prophetic Dance | Dance Worship/Warship | Ugochi Grace

Описание к видео Prophetic Dance | Dance Worship/Warship | Ugochi Grace

Thanksgiving Mode still in progress 😁😁😁


Oh My God....

This will be my constant, consistent and ever shameless life posture forever before God, the one who saw me in dirt and sin, and picked me up from the dunghill, clothed me with so much beauty and grace, and crowned me with so much love and MERCY!!!!!

It's before my God I will forever dance and jump unashamedly, undignified and without apologies to the devil and his cohort.

This will be my FOREVER posture and response before diviners and enchanters even think of me and my family (I have already thought of them and planned for them with my dance😂😂😂😂)

This shameless dancer for JESUS shall see the frustration of the tokens of liars (signs of blabbers), I shall see diviners driven mad 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 (Kai), I shall see the wise turned backwards and their knowledge turned to foolishness like Ahithophel 😂😂😂😂😂

And I will see Jehovah confirm and perform the words of his servants upon the earth, over the nations of the earth, over Nigeria, in my life and in my family (Isaiah 44: 24 -28).

Kaiii our dance is a show of gratitude to God 🙌🙌🙌 for all he keeps doing for us but also it is a mighty weapon through God to the pulling down of strongholds and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and his Son Jesus Christ.

God is waiting for your unashamed praise and worship unto him alone 😊😊😊💃💃💃😂😂😂😂💃💃🙌🙌

To watch the full video, click on the link 🔗 below:




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