mySPACE 小屋大作 EP1

Описание к видео mySPACE 小屋大作 EP1

With demand of small houses increases tremendously, "mySPACE" aims to showcase creative home designs of properties with less than 850 square feet for both HDBs & Condominiums. Interestingly weaved in role playing elements by host, Chen Hanwei & artistes, different home designs are showcased to cater to different requirements of homeowners. Housing and renovations tips will also be shared in the programme. 小空间不再是室内设计师的梦魇,也不是屋主无法拥有梦想小屋的借口,只要够创意,小屋就能大作!“小屋大作” 由陈汉玮担纲主持,以角色扮演的轻松手法,展示各种不同装修风格、面积 ≤ 850 平方尺的政府组屋和私人公寓的室内设计,为大家提供小屋装修点子、利用有限空间的妙招,同时也穿插各种装修贴士。


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