TDS On Salary Entry in Tally Prime | Payment of TDS Entry | TDS entry on Salary in Tally Prime

Описание к видео TDS On Salary Entry in Tally Prime | Payment of TDS Entry | TDS entry on Salary in Tally Prime

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Tally Prime में TDS on Salary Calculation की Voucher entry का सही और आसान तरीका and tds payment Entry For Salary और show 26Q/24Q return File Reports
TDS Deduction Auto Calculation
how to create tds in tally prime

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important video link

TDS on Contractor Entry in Tally Prime
   • TDS On Payment to Contractor with GST...  

TDS on Rent in Tally Prime
   • TDS On Rent Of Land And Building in T...  

All About Tds Video Link
   • What is TDS (2020) | TDS क्या होता है...  

TDS in Tally Prime step by step
   • Tally Prime में TDS की Voucher entry ...  

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