Strengthening Partnership through Community Engagement: FGA and FAO Visit Nuristan Province

Описание к видео Strengthening Partnership through Community Engagement: FGA and FAO Visit Nuristan Province

On August 24th, 2024, Future Generations Afghanistan (FGA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) held a community meeting with local residents in Kamdesh and Bargimatal districts of Nuristan province. The meeting aimed to discuss the impacts of the FAO funded projects, listen to the concerns of the local communities, and oversee the ongoing projects in the districts.
During the meeting, participants from both FAO and FGA shared their experiences and insights about the projects, answered questions, and provided information. The local residents also had the chance to express their opinions, suggestions, and concerns about the projects and how they could be improved.
The community meeting was a chance for both FGA and FAO to engage directly with the communities and receive their feedback, gaining valuable insights into the challenges faced by the locals and the opportunities for future improvement. The meeting served as a valuable platform for collaboration and exchange of information, fostering a stronger partnership between the organizations and the local communities.
The Future Generations Afghanistan (FGA) is a nonprofit non- governmental organization organized under the NGO laws of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to mobilizes communities in most difficult regions to find enduring solutions for their most pressing needs. It is partnering with Future Generations Global Network ( and Future Generations University ( The global mission is “Future Generations promotes research, learning, and action toward inclusive and sustainable community change worldwide”.

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