How RFID technology connects tires to their environment | Michelin

Описание к видео How RFID technology connects tires to their environment | Michelin

As the only part of a vehicle in contact with the ground, the tire has the potential to provide unique and plentiful information during its life.
Through RFID technology, Michelin makes tires that "communicate" by linking them to a more global ecosystem, to create infinite potential for innovations and added value for its customers.

RFID Technology in tires allows to:

• Gain efficiency and optimize operations of tire management during the whole lifecycle: optimized logistics, better stock management, right assembly tire / rim, right tire on the right car, better claim management, better lifecycle management
• Offer predictive maintenance services for vehicle manufacturers and consumers to ease driver journey and tire replacement: more safety for consumers

Find out in this video all the features and use cases you've never asked about RFID!


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