Architecture Evolution - Discovering Boundaries

Описание к видео Architecture Evolution - Discovering Boundaries

Architecture is the art of drawing lines.

In the attempt to break down the complexity of a software system into more manageable pieces, architectures enforced throughout history various boundaries in our codebases. Different sets of boundaries prove useful depending on the programming language, frameworks, requirements, and project context, so picking the right architecture is anything but a trivial decision. The real challenge however is evolving the architecture to match the shift of the project context occurring in time.

During this hour we are going to discuss the most important of these architectural boundaries:

- Application | Consumed API
- Application | Persistence
- Domain Model | Exposed API
- Command | Query 
- Logic | Data
- M | VC
- Application | Domain Service
- Use-Cases (if time allows)
- Functional Modules

The discussion will welcome every contribution from the audience.

Furthermore, Victor will invite 4 selected architects to contribute live during the presentation, to turn the discussion more into a debate.

About Victor:
Victor is a Java Champion with two decades of experience, and the founder of European Software Crafters, the world’s largest developer community focusing on architecture, refactoring, and testing. Over the past 10 years, Victor trained and consulted thousands of developers and architects at over 120 companies throughout Europe. You can find educative conference talks, a blog, and his training catalog on

If you are interested for a deep-dive into architecture, you can
(1) join my 2-days online workshop at or
(2) contact me directly for a dedicated private session for your organization (having a sensible, decent fee).

Find my entire training catalog at


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