Volvo truck vnl boost leak check

Описание к видео Volvo truck vnl boost leak check

pressurizeing the boost system to find leaks with soapy water and regulated shop air, using a home made tool. air must be regulated 10-15psi (if to much pressure is applied the tool can be blown out and can damage truck or injure you). When applying air pressure with the air regulator start from zero and work up. watch the turbo inlet elbow depending on how your engine stopped and what valves are open that will change amount of pressure needed.
Safety first engine off. Parking break applied.
checking and fixing boost leaks will help with increasing fuel economy and engine reliability.
also will help with preventing dpf from plugging up excessively. dpf should be cleaned right at 220-250k miles. if possible avoid baking dpf filter that will help the filter last longer


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