Permanent - Cardinal

Описание к видео Permanent - Cardinal

Oh, look, a distraction!

If you hear my call, please say something.
A message to the sky means little without someone to see it, after all.


Some things will not change.
There are things that cannot be undone.

Some damage is permanent,
But some can be fixed.

I'm not proud of what I've done,
My pride was abandoned long ago.

I can say, though, that there are things that have changed.
There are mistakes I won't make again.

Pain brings with it a sense of clarity,
And with regret comes understanding.

I will rebuild once more,
From start to finish,
A world I spent so long wishing I could see.

Sit with me in the place I first spoke the truth in words.
A bench stands alone in the winds of summer,
A place that now sits empty apart from memories.

I will rebuild once more,
From start to finish,
The world I wasted.

Though some things may change,
Some things cannot be undone.

Some damage can be fixed,
But some is permanent.


Thank you all for listening.
~ Cardinal


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