Sardoal Portugal (HD)

Описание к видео Sardoal Portugal (HD)

SARDOAL, é uma vila da região Centro de Portugal situada entre o Ribatejo e a paisagem serrana da Beira, muitas vezes chamada de "Vila Jardim" porque na primavera as flores que pendem dos muros e varandas proporcionam um espectáculo de beleza e cor. As origens de Sardoal remontam ao século XIV. A vila é carecterizada pelo seu casario branco adornado de faixas coloridas que vai descendo do topo da colina com ruas estreitas. Tem um rico património arquitectónico com muitas igrejas e capelas, da qual se destaca a Igreja Matriz do Século XVI com grandes obras de arte que vão desde as pinturas esculturas e painéis ceramicos. Um dos eventos mais importantes da vila acontece na Semana Santa, com a realização de várias procissõ*carl0spais*YouTube 2011

SARDOAL, is a village in the center of Portugal, between Ribatejo and the mountainous landscape of Beira, often called the "Garden Village" because of the spring flowers hanging from the walls and balconies provide a beauty and colorful show. Sardoal has an history since the fourteenth century. The village is characterized by its white houses adorned with colorful stripes that go down from the top of the hill with narrow streets. It has a rich architectural heritage with many churches and chapels, one that stands out the most is the Mother Church from the sixteenth century with great pieces of art such as paintings, sculptures and ceramic panels. One of the most important events of Sardoal happens in Holy Week, where several processions take*carl0spais*YouTube 2011

Music: YouTube Audio Library
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   / carl0spais  


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