Enabling Good Lives (EGL) - VIPS EGL in Education Korero with Tara Shepherd 27 June 2024

Описание к видео Enabling Good Lives (EGL) - VIPS EGL in Education Korero with Tara Shepherd 27 June 2024

Listen to Tara Shepherd sharing with us her lived experiences and journey as a young disabled adult within the education system. Tara is a passionate advocate for inclusion, disabled youth voices, environmental change and issues that impact rural communities. She is the Co-president of the National Disabled Student’s Association and a member of the Te Poutāhū Disability Voices Group.

This korero is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of how EGL principles can be adopted in the education space and how they can support inclusive education and a good life for all disabled children and youth across educational settings and their communities.


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