How do I form a bible reading habit?

Описание к видео How do I form a bible reading habit?

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At this point, you have all the tools and processes you need to start making Bible study a regular habit.

Let’s create a quick little checklist for really making this Bible study thing stick.
1. Schedule a time and frequency- Set an alarm or schedule a regular appointment on your calendar. This could be daily, every other day, or even weekly. Start somewhere. Start with a rhythm you can stick to. Your timing and frequency for Bible study - morning, afternoon, evening, daily, weekly - might change through various seasons of your life, but always keep it a priority.
2. Determine a place - Be creative in finding a distraction-free place to study your Bible. This could be at your kitchen table, in a vacant conference room, on a walk around your neighborhood (try listening to the Bible), or in your car on your lunch break.
3. Have your Bible, study plan, and notebook ready - Always have your Bible study kit ready to go for both scheduled and unscheduled Bible study sessions.

Hopefully, you’re feeling more confident about how to study the Bible.
One final recommendation that I have for getting the most out of your Bible study experience is to do it in community. God created us as social creatures. In the very beginning, God created Eve as a companion for Adam. To truly know and experience God requires you to be in community with other believers. This is why finding and becoming active in a local church and finding a small group is a critical part of how to study your Bible for the life transformation it’s intended to bring.


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