Tears I Foldaon

Описание к видео Tears I Foldaon

Fiona teaches maths in the local secondary school and her husband Deni is a successful musician, but his drinking has nearly destroyed their relationship. Now he’s promised to give up drinking and Fiona is trying hard to believe in him and get on with her life as a maths teacher in the local secondary school. She’s busy preparing for parents' night at her school and she is ready to meet the father of a year eight pupil who still cannot read to explain to him the boy needs help, which she cannot give as she has too many students in her class. She wants to tell Lilly’s parents what a great a student she is, and how she must continue with her studies; but before the parents arrive she gets a call to say Deni has failed to pick up their son from school, and that can only mean he has started drinking again and all her dreams of a future with him are blown away….


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