Dumbbell Golf Fitness in just 8 Minutes!

Описание к видео Dumbbell Golf Fitness in just 8 Minutes!

One Dumbbell, 3 Exercises to help you play better Golf!

Here is the full #GOLFWOD Workout

Asymmetry - 4 Rounds

12 Split Stance Rotational Chop (6/6)
12 Split Stance Clean and Press (6/6)
24 Rotational Swings (12/12)

Both 6 each side - Rest 60 seconds between Rounds.
Focus on asymmetrical stability and build force creation.
Load at a challenging weight with a focus on movement quality.

Vertical Forces - 4 Rounds

8 Trap Bar Deadlifts @ 50% or DBL DB/KB
4 Jumping Squats (Loaded optional)

Rest 60-90 seconds between Rounds.
Load for quality and range of motion then increase to a heavier weight for the Jumps if you can load the acceleration..
All about footwork, core engagement and consistent power output.

Speed - 8 Rounds

2 Box Jumps
50m Sprint or 4 Bounding Broad Jumps

Rest 30 seconds between Rounds.
High level stimuli with a different style as we head toward the season and get you to a whole new level speed wise.
Go high for the Box Jump then look to add a true sprint element - set this up the best way for your gym environment.

WOD - 8 Round Intervals

8 Rebounding Med Ball Slams (4/4)
4 Vertical Med Ball Slams
4 DBL DB Hang Snatch

Rest 30 seconds between Rounds.

Challenge Score: Sub 10 Minutes (inc Rest)

Beginner: 8kg/20lbs & 3kg/7lbs
Intermediate: 15kg/35lbs & 6kg/12lbs
Pro: 22.5kg/50lbs & 9kg/20lbs

Super explosive intervals at 1:1 work to rest.
Be explosive with every single Rep.
Feel the vertical, lateral and rotational forces building.

Head to the App Store now to start your 7 Day Free Trial for the best workouts in Golf!



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