REVIEW: Canon Vixia Mini X for digital journalists

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My review of Canon’s HD pocket camera, the Vixia Mini X, released in January of 2014. This review takes a close look at some of the great features this camcorder offers for VIDEO AND DIGITAL JOURNALISTS.

Specifications of this camera are:
12.8-megapixel CMOS image sensor
f/2.8 fish-eye lens
Linear PCM 16-bit audio at a 48kHz sample rate with built in stereo microphone
Electronic image stabilization
1920 x 1080 HD videos in both MP4 and AVCHD formats
Variable-angle LCD screen
Built-in WiFi
Stereo mini microphone input and headphone jack

Retails for about $400 U.S. and $450 Canadian.

I’ve used this camera in the field for my job as a video producer at the Winnipeg Free Press for over a year. I’ve details some of the great features this camera has for digital journalists.

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