Inner Terrestrials (Dub Punk / Ska / Folk / Reggae, London) Law Dealers live @ Hof 2024

Описание к видео Inner Terrestrials (Dub Punk / Ska / Folk / Reggae, London) Law Dealers live @ Hof 2024

Text / Lyrics:

Inner Terrestrials "Law Dealers"

"Smash down my door six in the morning come the law
To protect me from myself and my wicked ways
And relieve me of my draw

I grew some seed, I grew some seed
While nature dies through corporate greed
While you distribute dangerous drugs
People in the third world die from need

Spare the lectures on what’s good for me
With your phosphorous bombs and your “Zyklon-B”
And your pharmaceutical companies
And your biocide society

Let’s get it right, if we put the bricks and the bottles aside
And talk about the truth
What they represent has to crush the youth
Toting guns, toting guns sposed to get the bad men on their toes
Trigger-happy hooligans in uniforms
Death follows where they go

Controlled substance abuse
But what about the chemicals they use?
Pesticide, insecticide, fossil fuel infanticide

There is no trust; everybody knows the law deals drugs
There’s no respect, the people know that the state deals death
This ain’t no joke everybody knows that the law punts dope
Fear the rope, fear the rope, work for the firm or lose all hope!"

"Law Dealers" war glaub auch eines der ersten Lieder, daß ich von den Inner Terrestrials je gehört hatte :) Und es ist immer noch saugut :) Übersetzt es Euch selber, wenn Ihr das wollt.

(Kritik an dem ganzen Scheiß Gift :D und der ganzen Scheiß Chemie :D, den Scheiß Pestiziden :D, den Scheiß Bomben :D, den Scheiß Waffen :D , dem ganzen Scheiß :D etc. und am verdammten (Scheiß) System :D ist nach wie vor wichtig und richtig :D :) :D Ham anscheinend nur viel zu viele vergessen, daß da einiges im Argen liegt und sicher nicht gut für uns bzw. für die gesamte Menschheit ist, außer für die, die dran verdienen.)

Cooler very last minute Gig der Inner Terrestrials in Hof mit speziellem Schlagzeugspiel extra für die Show ha ha :D :D

"Law Dealers" was one of the first songs I ever listened from the Inner Terrestrials and it is still very good and it was a pleasure to see it live finally and to see Inner Terrestrials live for the first time and meet them in person and had a chance to talk with them.

Thanks a lot to the Inner Terrestrials & Risky Rich & Tobi (?) for playing and visiting us. It was real cool :) Much fun on the rest of your tour :) Thanks so much :)

Und Danke an alle, die den "very last minute" Gig der Inner Terrestrials mit ihrer Anwesenheit unterstützt haben, Danke :)

"On the road for 30 years, London's legendary Inner Terrestrials are pioneers of the UK dub punk sound"

"Inner Terrestrials (also referred to as iT!) are a British punk band from South London, England. Their music is a mix of punk, dub, ska & a touch of folk, with lyrics that are more often than not aggressively political and cover subjects such as anarchism, animal rights, land ownership, the class system, war and many other subjects."

Mehr / more Infos about & über (die /the) Inner Terrestrials:

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