Finding out I have Cancer | My Cancer Story

Описание к видео Finding out I have Cancer | My Cancer Story

Finding out that I have cancer

On March 15, 2019, after what seemed like a million tests and doctor visits, I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Primary Mediastinal Large B-Cell Lymphoma.

At first, I wanted to keep my health problems private and go through with all of the treatment quietly; however, after doing my own research, I realized that there is very little awareness about cancer in young adults. As much as we like to think that we are invincible at this young age, it is important to keep in check with your health!

I have decided that I want to document my entire cancer journey as a means to distract myself from the obvious downside of cancer, but also to raise awareness and help those who are going through or may one day be going through something similar.

If you know someone who is going through cancer treatment currently, please send them this video! Even if I help just one person through sharing my journey, my mission would be complete.

Instagram: @magsbujalski

+Contact me:
[email protected]

Cheers! 🎗💚
#mycancerjourney #cancerfighter #youngadultcancer


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