天竺葵耐旱易种,具观赏食用美容功效,如何浇水施肥?注意季节要点便可花开满园/geranium plants

Описание к видео 天竺葵耐旱易种,具观赏食用美容功效,如何浇水施肥?注意季节要点便可花开满园/geranium plants

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How to Care for Geraniums

Allow soil to dry to some extent between waterings, then water thoroughly.
During the winter and summer (85+F), water much less, but do not let the roots dry out entirely. Geraniums do best when given a period of dormancy through the winter months, during which they use less water and do not grow much. See below for more overwintering instructions.
To encourage blooming, deadhead spent flowers regularly.
To promote bushiness and curtail legginess, pinch back the stems.
During active growing months, fertilize every 2 weeks or so. Use a water-soluble fertilizer at half strength. Don’t fertilize in winter, when the plant should be dormant.
Geraniums can be re-potted in spring to encourage new growth—or if they look like they need to be refreshed

How to Root Stem Cuttings

Most geraniums root easily from stem cuttings in soil, coarse sand, water, perlite, or other rooting material.

Using a sharp, clean knife, make a slanted cut 4 inches below a stem tip, above a node where leaves emerge. Trim cutting to just below a node. Remove any buds, all but two or three leaves, and the leaflike stipules at the base of leaf stalks.
Roll the stem cutting in newspaper or put it in the shade for 24 hours, so that the cut end will seal and not rot.
Push the stem into a pot of moistened rooting medium and store it in a warm, shady place for 2 days. After that, give the cutting indirect sun. Moisten the medium only as needed.
#天竺葵 #geranium


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