Snow Kong❄孔雪儿♕ Funji Interview (ENG SUB)

Описание к видео Snow Kong❄孔雪儿♕ Funji Interview (ENG SUB)

This account runs by Snow Kong Official Fanstation.
©️A branch of the Snow Kong Official China Fan Club.

❄Snow Kong Non-Text book Style Idol❄
She has said that she loves dancing, and doesn’t want to miss out on any chance. During this year, she has been able to reveal different kinds of her to the public, from variety to tv drama. @THE9-SnowKong is kept trying, and bringing more surprises to snowflakes. She has strength like a textbook but also keeps growing as a 3D non-textbook style idol.

#孔雪儿 #非教科书式女爱豆
从综艺到剧集,#THE9 孔雪儿 在不断尝试,也给雪花们带来了更多的惊喜。她有着教科书般的实力,却在不断成长为一个更加立体多面的非教科书式女爱豆。


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