I took Shonda Rhimes' MasterClass on writing for TV & this is what I learned! 🎥

Описание к видео I took Shonda Rhimes' MasterClass on writing for TV & this is what I learned! 🎥

So one of my big goals for 2022 is to write a pilot script, and after taking this MasterClass, I feel even more confident that I'll be able to achieve that this year! Shonda Rhimes is an INCREDIBLE teacher and the 5-part case study, breaking down the pilot of Scandal, makes this my favorite MasterClass to date. (And shout out to ‪@AuthorJCCarpenter‬ for asking me to take this class with her!! I cannot thank her enough for this push.)

D I S C U S S I O N Q U E S T I O N S :
Are you also a Shonda Rhimes fan? If you love Scandal or Grey's, what particularly stands out to you about those shows that you love? (She's also the Showrunner for Bridgerton and was for HTGAWM, so I'd also love your perspective on those too, if you're obsessed.) The whole breakdown of writer vs. Showrunner (or writer AND Showrunner) is something I learned during this MasterClass bahaha.
Do you prefer TV or movies?
Have you ever attempted to write a pilot script or screenplay??

L I N K S M E N T I O N E D :
Check out ‪@AuthorJCCarpenter‬ and her vlog!!:    • Master Class Experience: Shonda Rhime...  
I have a few MasterClass guest passes I can give out so if you'd like to try it out, here you go!: https://www.masterclass.com/s/78a1caa4
They're first come, first serve, but they add more all the time!

F I N D M E O N L I N E :
❤️ Instagram:   / katecavanaughwrites  
🧡 Newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webfor...
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💚 Patreon:   / katecavanaugh  
💙 Website: https://readwriteroam.blog
💜 Medium:   / katecavanaughwrites  

🎥 E Q U I P M E N T U S E D & W H A T I W R I T E W I T H :
*My bullet journal / writing & travel notebook: https://amzn.to/2UkrF0r
*My main camera for vlogging and time-lapse: https://amzn.to/321RbtW
Scrivener for my word processing needs: https://www.literatureandlatte.com/sc...
*My "rainbow pens": https://amzn.to/2ZAiWIw
*My tiny camera with a gimbal for on-the-go and motion-lapse: https://amzn.to/2ZtQzzF
Aeon Timeline to create visual timelines for my stories: https://www.aeontimeline.com/
*these are affiliate links, where I receive a small commission that helps the channel! Feel free to ignore. :)

💌 S N A I L M A I L M E :
PO Box 1022
607 E. Blanco Road
Boerne, TX 78006

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