公共空間的重新想像:Maria Slavnova at TEDxTaipei

Описание к видео 公共空間的重新想像:Maria Slavnova at TEDxTaipei

Maria Slavnova受過專業完整的建築設計教育,在建築、藝術形塑、動感雕塑及空間轉換都有相當豐富的經驗,她作品類型的範圍也非常廣泛,從臨時、概念性設計到大型市區公共藝術和腳踏車道規劃都有所涉獵,作品在呈現上則尤其著重「都市原型設計」和「社會互動參予」概念,目前她正於莫斯科的Strelka Institute擔任研究員。

Trained as an artist and architect, with professional experience in architecture, art fabrication, kinetic sculpture and temporary interventions. Practice focuses on urban prototyping and social participation, while projects range from ephemeral and conceptual to city wide adopted initiatives, public art and bike infrastructure explorations. Current and ongoing fascinations are reflected in the recent summer Berlin residence in Agora Collective, with investigations of a 'Super Sensory Urban Suit'. Currently a researcher at Strelka Institute in Moscow.

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