南无本师释迦牟尼佛(佛号) Extended Mix 加长版

Описание к видео 南无本师释迦牟尼佛(佛号) Extended Mix 加长版

Performed by a chorus, which includes Venerables, this sacred Buddhist chant of “南无本师释迦牟尼佛 (佛号)” transcends words and resonates deeply with spiritual awakening. Invite your friends and family to experience the harmonious symphony of the captivating vocals and traditional instruments performed in this sacred Buddhist chant.

这首沁人心脾的佛曲,由数位师父共同演唱,“南无本师释迦牟尼佛 (佛号)” 的唱诵超越了言语,深深地觉醒佛心之间的共鸣。诚邀您与亲友静心聆听这首净化人心的佛曲,沉浸于音符、乐器、音声带给我们的慈悲愿力。


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