Hotel Hell Verified (

Описание к видео Hotel Hell Verified (

Incredibly fun mode, super happy to have verified this :D

I was sick for the latter half of my grind with this mode, which is why I sound super raspy and sickly at the end of the video; but was still able to power through nonetheless :3
I'd say this mode is roughly around PM AC in difficulty (#10), but for now as to not over-rank this mode I'll have it placed below T27 (#12) as I know it's harder than 35/20 from UCN: Recode but I'm not sure how it compared to T27. Thank you ‪@0zymand1us‬ for being in call for most of the grind !!

About the game: The Backdoor Project is a FNAF x Doors fangame that includes 9 characters and 7 modifiers (challenges), you progress through the night by completing a task. The task involves you checking the 6 cameras, figuring out which ones have their lights on and off, and matching the buttons on the right with the cameras that have their lights on. Hotel Hell is the All Max Mode with All Challenges (9/50 AC).

Game made by ‪@birdbonanza9407‬,

6:55 PM EST 3/31/24


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