First Dalit President of JNU Student Union after 27 Years | Exclusive Interview of Dhananjay Kumar

Описание к видео First Dalit President of JNU Student Union after 27 Years | Exclusive Interview of Dhananjay Kumar

In the wake of the recent JNU student union elections, where the Left emerged victorious over the ABVP, Dhananjay Kumar, the current President of the JNUSU, joins us to shed light on the political dynamics at play.

Kumar discusses the prevailing atmosphere of communalism and violence across the nation, citing instances from Muzaffarnagar to Assam, and the need to stand against such divisive forces.

Highlighting the significance of JNU in national politics, Kumar reflects on the Left's win despite Modi's decade-long reign, emphasizing the ongoing struggle for democracy within the campus.

He elaborates on the prolonged protests and sit-ins, especially post-COVID reopening, leading up to the elections, where the administration ultimately conceded to student demands.

Kumar delves into the broader political spectrum, addressing questions on caste dynamics, naxalism, and the Left's stance on issues like red revolution, ABVP, RSS, and the evolving political landscape within JNU.

Stay tuned as we delve into the victory of BAPSA candidate Priyanshi Arya and the controversies surrounding Left support, providing insight into the shifting paradigm of JNU politics.

#jnuelection #dhananjay #Aisa #jawaha


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