雞糞要经过發酵后才能当作雞糞肥, 用这样的做法来腐熟鸡粪简单有效.hot composting chicken manure

Описание к видео 雞糞要经过發酵后才能当作雞糞肥, 用这样的做法来腐熟鸡粪简单有效.hot composting chicken manure

新鲜的鸡粪是不能直接给植物施肥的,是因为新鲜鸡粪在土中会发酵产生热量, 从而烧伤植物的根系, 造成植物死亡或停止生长。
Fresh chicken manure cannot directly fertilize plants, because fresh chicken manure will ferment in the soil to generate heat, which will burn the root system of the plant, causing the plant to die or stop growing.
Therefore, fresh chicken manure must be decomposed and fermented before it can be used.


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